Npm Overrides
Hey! Recently I’ve been putting together a small program to track the temperature inside of a hand-me-down fridge. I’d planned to use my Nordic Thingy52 as it has all the sensors I need plus its own power source, but unfortunately I found that its NodeJS reference implementation was built with an abandoned Bluetooth Low Energy library which has stopped working with OSX after High Sierra. Error: Cannot find module 'xpc-connection' Require stack: - /Users/scottomalley/Projects/Nordic-Thingy52-Nodejs/node_modules/noble-device/node_modules/noble/lib/mac/highsierra....
Okay I'm making an app.
And I have a terrible time getting this onto paper and setting goals for my personal projects. I’m hoping by writing it down here I can frame what I want the app to do. What kind of app do I want to make? At a high level the app will allow a DM to prepare the inventory of the different mercantile establishments based on the published source material. Most campaigns in DnD will have the players eventually visit a market or some other type of store within their setting....
My first time as a dungeon master
I recently ran my first Dungeons and Dragons game from behind the board. I spent the better part of a month setting up scenes in Roll20, reading the one-shot end to end and watching several people on youtube running the game to know what to expect. As far as I can tell a good time was had by all and I actually can’t wait to do it again even with the huge amount of time it required....
Repurposing a Nexus 9 to Watch Streams on Discord
COVID19 has upheaved everyones day to day lives mine being no exception. I’m working from home full time, I’m social distancing and I’ve had to get creative with most of by hobbies to keep enjoying them. My D&D game has moved online with our DM opting to stream a copy of Fantasy Grounds via Discord and have each of us speak our actions though a group voice chat. This has worked pretty well for the most part, save for a few of our members only having access to phones currently which can make viewing the stream difficult....